PHOTOGRAPHER, Orlando Florida
Technology Driving Art or “The Changing Shape of Cinema: The History of Aspect Ratio”
12/07/13 16:03
This is a excellent review on the history of Aspect Ratios and the technology behind them. Great examples which technology and the market place drive innovation, which then affects the art created with these new tools.
Also, Cinerama still looks pretty damn awesome, IMO.
Rene Ritchie on Final Cut Pro X
26/06/13 10:37
Rene Ritchie comments on using FCP X as a non- pro video editor. Read More...
The Next Generation Mac Pro: Trading a CPU for a GPU Makes Sense
11/06/13 22:47
Phil Schiller made a strong statement during the new Mac Pro, about fifty-eight minutes, thirty seconds into the keynote video. Read More...